RAW Food

Why RAW Food?Berries with Ginger Choc Orange Gelato-sm

Are you Beaming with Vibrant Health, Oodles of Energy, Vitality, Joy and Immense Gratitude for being alive? Do you feel Sexy, Gorgeous, Glowing and Attractive, Happy, Free – and able to take on the world and enjoy the opportunities in front of you just like you were meant to?

 Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could achieve all this?

A RAW Food Diet can help you achieve all this and more if introduced in a sensible way.

Kale Crisps 7smBy now we all know that to a great extent ‘we are what we eat’. If we eat food that has been ‘killed’ through cooking, freezing, pasteurising, ‘refining or microwaving or food that lacks vital nutrition, or has been manipulated or is full of additives  our cells become clogged and find it virtually impossible to renew and revitalise themselves effectively the way nature ordained.

RAW Food in its natural vibrant state can reverse this process in our cells and fill us with a new found sparkling healthy energy.


What is RAW Food?

CALIFORNIA 2010 097smRAW Food is a term usually given to plant based food in its natural state with all its life and nutrition intact. It can be as Gourmet or as simple as you like. RAW Food is fun and exciting to make as you work with health giving, vibrant ingredients and explore taste combinations that gets your whole body zing with zest and delight!

RAW food is food in its natural vibrant state that has been powered by the rays of the sun, fed fresh water and enriched by the oxygen in the air, three of the most vital elements that powers and gives Life, Energy and Sparkle to every living being on our planet Earth. In order for our body to enjoy vibrant optimum health and wellness it is vital that we make sure to get Sun and clean Water and Air energy into each and every cell of our being? Apart from being out playing of course, we can achieve this by making sure what we eat has not only grown in the Sun, soaked up fresh Water, inhaled vital Oxygen from the Fresh Air but is in fact in its wholesome and natural state as it enters our body!

schools1Raw Sunday Roast Plated-smAs a Gourmet RAW Food Coach I teach adults and children the secrets of how to create and enjoy easy to create, Super Healthy Gourmet meals whilst ensuring that our body still gets all the essential nutrients it needs for a long and healthy life?

No processed Sugar No Wheat No Dairy No Eggs or other Animal products No Cooking and No Harmful Processing or Additives! Only plant based Superfood Ingredients are used in Gourmet Raw Food ­and with the knowhow of how to make the Nutritious Simply Delicious,it is To Die For!

RAW Food is not a new ‘religion’ or an enforced dogma and it may be vital for you to be flexible. Perhaps there are times when it makes more sense to eat differently. After all life is to be enjoyed and experienced to the full! However, there is no doubt that introducing a high percentage of a highly vital RAW Food diet jam packed with super nutrients will greatly improve your vibrant health and vitality no end!
Our Workshops and courses teach you all you need to know to give yourself and your family that inner sparkle!